Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is Probably a Better Way to Do It

This has the advantage of not needing to find storage space. However not every band has a film clip (despite what Godley & Creme and Peter Gabriel have shown is possible within the genre), and not every film clip is on the YouTube.

Speaking of Peter Gabriel:

In Which Our Author Diplays the Sort of Thing He Had in Mind

Here we go.

Something by Hotel Breslin.

Howard's Way by Luvox.

Blogger doesn't seem to be the most elegant way of doing this, but this shows that it can be done.

The Flannies

We all remember LongE. Slow between the wickets perhaps*, but quickest to the bar to get the beers in.

Best ball? Zooter. Or maybe the Mancat. Depends who we were playing. And whether they deserved the Mancat.

Off the piste (as I believe is the the term for an indoor pitch) he also created ideas and music. His ideas may take a while to percolate through the internets. The music is legendary. I'm going to put some of his stuff up here until his lawyers get antsy.

*Mostly because I was at the other end.